_ Fan Art | Tammy Lee
Fan Art

Dick Grayson

Dick Grayson is the heart-throb Robin. Nightwing. Whatever he calls himself these days. You just know there are villains and heroes alike who’ve written their first name with Grayson as a last name in a journal somewhere just to try it out. Everybody loves Dick!

Fan Art

K is for Kawesome

My partner volunteered his Stardew Valley farmer for a portrait. This is Kragaar; multi-millionaire who made his fortune off of strawberries and strawberry products! Of course, he couldn’t have made those millions without the ‘volunteer’ efforts of the Junimos. Seriously, what are they getting out of this? They don’t get paid. They don’t seem to […]

Fan Art

Black Sails – UST at Sea

To be honest, while making this I couldn’t stop laughing. In case you don’t get it, sailors would poop off he side of the ship. There wasn’t really a lot of privacy. In my mind, John Silver is a shy pooper and given how much Unresolved Sexual Tension (UST) there was between him and Captain […]

Fan Art

Skirts! Bruce Wayne Fundraiser

Fan Art

Jack the Fisherman

Fan Art

Rissa and the Stardrop

Fan Art

Evil Farmer Sauron

Fan Art

Thranduil Manyeyes

Fan Art

Damian & Titus Dress up for Halloween

Fan Art

Billie Eilish Inspired Batman